from the May, 2013 issue of Kiai!

Youth Student Danny Horowitz
Takes Seido to the Schoolhouse


By Senpai Ryan Libel
Director of Operations

A few months back, eight-year-old advanced-green belt Danny Horowitz’s teacher at school asked the kids to create presentations about “What I’m Best At,” or WIBA for short.  Danny chose to highlight karate for his project, a 45-minute multimedia extravaganza including a PowerPoint presentation and interactive exercises. 

Danny’s teacher, Mrs. Lourie, shares that Danny began his lesson with the history of karate.  He also shared the Karate Code of Ethics: Love, Respect, Non-quitting Spirit, Courage, and Responsibility.  Danny talked through details of the various parts of a karate class, all about Seido, and finished by teaching his classmates some basic movement sequences.  Mrs. Lourie’s favorite part was when Danny talked about Thousand Waves’ Punch-&-Kick-a-Thon and how he loves raising money for Thousand Waves’ Scholarship fund! 

Danny’s dad David writes, “I wanted to share this with you because I thought you would be happy to know how seriously Danny takes this journey he is on.  He’s proud of himself and enjoyed letting his friends see that light in him. I believe you should also be proud that you’ve been able to inspire our son the way you have.” Indeed, Danny, all of us at Thousand Waves are very proud of you — thanks for sharing our art with your classmates!  Thanks also to Dad and Mom (David and Marci) for sharing his story.